The Werewolf of Shipman, Virginia

Every since I was a child I’ve always been a fan of the “sci-fi” genre; Star Trek, Star Wars & Battlestar Galactica were more to my taste than fantasy, occult or horror films.

More recently though I became a fan of the HBO series True Blood, I found the exploits of Eric, Sookie, Vampire Bill and the ever popular Lafayette to be entertaining as hell, no pun intended. Then I found NBC’s show Grimm with its Blutbads, Fuchsbaus and Hexenbiest to name a few.

But I my favorite is Fox’s Sleepy Hollow; watching Ichabod Crane, Lt. Abbie Mills and company defending the modern world from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse who are in league with the ancient god Moloch who was worshiped by the Phoenicians and Canaanites.


All three shows deal with what some would conceder occult themes; I just enjoy as good story and an hour or two free from the realities of the very real and dangerous world that law enforcement officers find them selves in day after day.

So it was a sunny morning in June of 2011 that I responded to an unusual call that came into the Sheriff’s Department around 8:30 am that both reality and the fantasy worlds collided, kinda.

On a Thursday morning, the Amtrak Crescent 20 was stopped on the tracks in Shipman, Virginia requesting help from the police for a man on board who was being very unruly. The report I got while responding was that he’d already assaulted an employee and a passenger before I arrived.

When I arrived I found a fellow deputy and an employee of Amtrak trying to restrain a white male that looked to be in his 20’s fighting to break free. I jumped in to the fray and the three of us were able to finally get him cuffed, we decided to keep him on the ground until more deputies arrived.

After a few minutes my supervisor Sgt. Vasco Wright arrived who was a twenty six year veteran of the Sheriff’s office. Moreover, he was inducted into the Ferrum College Football Hall of Fame and was part of the football team that won the Junior College Athletic Association Football National Championship in 1974. So believe me when I say even at the age of fifty seven this man was able to handle most physical confrontations.

This young man was of slight build that didn’t appear to be an athlete of any type; but he fought the three of us like we had grabbed a very angry Ray Lewis the famed linebacker of the Baltimore Ravens. It seemed like it took us an eternity before we could security him in the other deputy’s patrol car.

The young man was out of his mind with anger and was trying to lash out at any and everyone he saw; even after he was in the back of the patrol vehicle he slipped his hands under his legs so his hands were no longer cuffed from the back.

Then while still cuffed now with his hands in the front he kicked out the car window and crawled out. Sgt Wright was able to get him on the ground in the manner befitting a true football Hall of Fame inductee and I gained control of his upper body in a manner that would make a UFC athlete proud.

Although I thought to myself “this is the strongest 165 pound dude I’ve ever messed with”.

While I was trying to restrain the young man he began to tell me that he has escaped from a CIA experiment in Atlanta that turns people into monsters. He told me that he is a “Lycan” type creature that the CIA has developed to unleash into enemy nations as sleeper agents. I remember asking him that when he says Lycan if he mean werewolf, and he said yes “just like a werewolf”, talking seem to calm him down so I act as if I took an interest in his ramblings, I appeared to be interested in his plait from the CIA.

Now remember this conversation is happening on the ground while I’m on top of him next to a passenger train at a railroad crossing. I thought to myself this job doesn’t get any better than this.

It was while I was “restraining” him I noticed two small metallic disk shape object on the back of his neck approximately where his C2 or C3 cervical vertebrae are located. I pointed the object out to the EMS crew at the scene but none of them had ever seen anything like it before. It took me a few moments to realize that the object were implanted in to his skin, while on the why to the hospital for a mental health screening he told me that’s where the CIA doctor ratcheted the wiring for the mind control device.

He said they’re dozens of people just like him that have been programmed by our and foreign government’s intelligence services to deploy individuals into society whose job is to live normal everyday lives until called upon.

I listened to his rambling for the better part of six hour while at the scene or transporting him to the ER as well as waiting while the ER staff decided what to do with him. While at the hospital he would have outbreaks of violence and would need to be restrained each time until a nurse gave him a sedative of some type.

This young man was terrible troubled, his violent actions on the train had caused several Amtrak employees to be transported to the University of Virginia hospital. One Amtrak conductor was taken of the train on a back board with a possible spinal injury.

A good “Police” draws upon his past experiences when faced with stressful and or volatile situations. Who would have thought monsters movies, Star Trek, Sasquatch documentaries and comic books from my younger days would have given me the vocabulary to communicate with this young man.

I never followed up on what became of the young man, sometime later I did here his father who was a lawyer from what I understand had him transferred to a mental health faculty near Atlanta, Georgia.

Sometime I think about what that young man told me on that sunny day in June of 2011 every time I learn of mass shootings in movie theaters, shopping malls or bombings places of worship.

The one thing most of these “monsters” that perpetrate these act, are that they are described as living normal everyday lives.