Charlatans of Politics


My friends we all see life through our own experiences which infers that everyone will have differences of opinion in regards to issues that run the gambit of the human experience.

Debate in an adversarial venue is the bases of a republic. Citizens have espoused opposing views in open forums since the time of Plato.

But it doesn’t mean we should let the political charlatans in whichever of the world’s capitals exploit their imagined De jure laws or impending prophesies of doom divide us and destroy the love and friendships we have fostered over our lifetimes.

Now make no mistake, I am a student of history and if I may quote a recent work of fiction that I have found to be true. Detective “Rust” Cohle said “time is a flat circle” (True Detective) season one.

Dark Ages Round Two

I find it hard to put into words the emotions I’m feeling over last night’s massacre in Paris. Mostly it’s blind rage not just towards the perpetrators but also those who believe that there are just a few bad apples and we should welcome this TRASH into our borders, our towns, our homes.

These are savages and they will never stop; they feed off our tolerance,they grow each day off our grace and thrive among us because our laws protect them not us.

Any student of history knows how Rome fell which ushered in the Dark Ages for a thousand years. It’s not our responsibility to help anyone but our selves.

I realize how this sounds but the truth must be spoken. It’s just a mater of time before Washington or New York or even Los Angeles will fall victim to this kind of carnage. I’m fed up with the offended society we live in today; it’s that exact attitude that got us here in the first place.

I certainly don’t have the answers on how to fix this, but the path we’re being lead down by our leaders is a dangerous one and we need to change course before it’s too late.

A soldier stands by victims in the10th district of Paris, Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. At least 35 people were killed Friday in shootings and explosions around Paris, many of them in a popular concert hall where patrons were taken hostage, police and medical officials said. (AP Photo/Jacques Brinon)
A soldier stands by victims in the10th district of Paris, Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. At least 35 people were killed Friday in shootings and explosions around Paris, many of them in a popular concert hall where patrons were taken hostage, police and medical officials said. (AP Photo/Jacques Brinon)